In the last few decades, dermatology has increasingly started to deal with cases of psoriatic dermatitis. Statisticians note that these cases most often affect fair-skinned people. And although experts have not yet set an age limit for the spreading disease, the most active phases of the disease are nevertheless recorded at the age of 15-45. In terms of its prevalence, psoriasis can affect every 25th person on the planet today, which is about 4. 2% of the total world population according to WHO (World Health Organization) 2016 data.
What is psoriasis and what are its external signs?
The name of such a wound was given based on its characteristic external sign - red plaques and scaly papules, which appear as a result of a rash with itching and skin inflammation. Psoriasis is also called lichen scaly and has its own rather extensive classification of types, symptoms and causes that provoke the development, progression and exacerbation of the disease. The general picture of the pathology today is such that it does not give doctors a clear picture of its clear origin and treatment methods. Therefore, doctors must find a way of partial recovery together with the patient.
The definition of psoriasis today is accepted by all specialists as a non-infectious disease, which primarily occurs due to various reasons, and which must be treated carefully and extremely carefully, under the constant supervision of several specialists, not just dermatologists. The word psoriasis itself means "itching" (from the Greek word "psora"), "scabies" (from the English term also spelled "psora"). The disease is diagnosed comprehensively, not only with skin tests or blood tests.
Further information:The peculiarity of the not fully studied disease is that patients should be prepared for persistent, long-term and long-term recovery, as well as alternating periodical exacerbations with remissions and phases of relief, which last from several weeks to more. years.
Classification of psoriasis types

If experts want to accurately determine psoriasis in a sick patient, what are these rashes on his skin and the unbearable desire to constantly scratch the wounds, what type of disease the disorder belongs to, what the patient suffers from, then experts can focus on a special classification of diseases. Moreover, he is not alone, today there are at least four of them, which should be briefly reviewed for the general idea.
According to ICD-10
According to the International Classification of Diseases in the 10th revision, such dermatitis is divided into the following types:
Common or plaque-like . Prevalence – 90-95%. Manifestations - gray, white, pink tinged papulo-scaly structures. As they grow, entire "islands" and "lakes" form from the diseased skin.Generalized pustular or "Impetigo", "Tsumbusha" disease, exudative . It starts with blisters and blisters containing fluid (discharge). Ulcers and self-infection develop after eruption.Persistent or Allopo epidermal disorder, Setton's or Crocker's acrodermal disorder . Liquid or pustular formations in plaques and papules are sterile and have not spread to self-contamination. Nails and fingers are often affected.Palmar and plantar lesions . Small ulcers on the palms and soles that are not self-infectious. It makes the patient's quality of life very difficult when walking and working with their hands.teardrop shaped . Small purple, pink, gray dots on the body most often appear after a severe sore throat, streptococcus, pharyngitis and other infectious viral diseases.Arthropathic appearance . Damage to the joints of the fingers, hands, knees, lower legs. Prevalence - 10% of all patients with psoriasis.Other, reverse and unspecified . Smooth spots with a small percentage of exfoliation that appear on sensitive areas of the skin.
According to this classification, which reveals the essence of what this or that type means, what is the disease, what is psoriasis, a special code is assigned to the pathology - L40. Different numbers can be added to this code to indicate a specific type of disease.
According to clinical parameters
The disease can also be classified according to clinical criteria, which can be expressed as follows:
- by location - body parts are highlighted;
- according to clinical images - the nature and texture of psoriasis;
- according to progressive stages - progressive, stationary, regressive disease;
- according to the manifestations of a given season;
- according to the area of skin areas - less than 20% of the epidermis, more than 20% or the entire skin is affected.
According to American classification
When defining psoriasis, the United States National Foundation classifies it in the following order:
- mild skin changes - less than 2%;
- average severity of spread - 2-10%;
- severe stage of skin damage - over 10%.
According to the PASI index
Another international approach to the definition of psoriasis, which is in the arsenal of medical diagnosticians, divides the types of the disease according to the following principle:
- the presence of the PASI index is between 0 and 72 values;
- the index shows the severity of the dermatitis;
- Only specialists calculate the index.
Doctors can use any of these classifications when determining the type of disease, but practice shows that the ICD-10 system is used most actively. Without a precise definition of the type, it is difficult for doctors to understand what kind of disease psoriasis is and how to treat it.

General symptoms
All doctors and researchers are convinced that psoriasis is not contagious and cannot spread from an affected person to a healthy person. The characteristic pustular-scaly rashes are called papules, if their formation was initially a swelling with fluid, which then ruptures, with a wound, drying out of the covering and scales. "Papula" in lat. It means "knot". But if the redness was not watery, the swellings above the skin surface were compacted, and then turned into wounds from constant scratching, suppuration, and scale formation, then we are talking about plaques.
Note!Psoriasis is a disease in which there will always be scaly formations above the surface of the affected skin. "Squama" in lat. means "scales", so the diagnosis can be written on the examination sheet in the following line: "papulosquamous disorder of the epidermis".
Symptoms of psoriasis
When defining psoriasis, we focus on its symptoms, which are represented by the following unified list of manifestations:
- Papules are swellings above the surface of the skin that contain an infectious or sterile fluid.
- Plaques are red spots that grow and fester over time.
- Plaques can be gray, reddish, yellowish, or dotted purple.
- The texture of the surface of the diseased skin ranges from moist, purulent to scaly dry.
- Scaling and flaking are characteristic of all types of the disease.
- The patient's general condition ranges from irritability and nervousness to drowsiness, fatigue and apathy.
Stages and stages of psoriasis development
The sections not only show the characteristics and types of psoriasis, but they can also tell the doctor how to deal with the disease. It is usually divided into 3 sections.
Weak section
- papules and plaques are rare and solitary;
- no unbearable itching;
- No severe swelling yet;
- often occurs after stress or severe infection.
Intensive stage
- Defined as Koebner syndromes;
- changes appear unexpectedly in different parts of the human body;
- fusion and growth of papules and plaques into complete "paraffin lakes";
- pain and itching are typical during this period.
Aggravation of the disease
- balance is formed;
- dry wine;
- lesional rashes no longer grow;
- the scales fall off;
- the skin hurts;
- the thickness of the skin where the plaques are located increases.
For information:Remission is a separate stage and can be considered as calming down the pathological condition.
Causes that provoke the appearance of the disease
Despite the fact that no answer has been found to the question of what kind of disease psoriatic dermatitis is and what are the causes of its appearance, nevertheless, certain prerequisites are already evident that can trigger the development of the disease.
Such patterns indicate the following probable causes:
- An inherited tendency.
- Weak immune system.
- He recently experienced severe psychological trauma, exposure to infection and virus.
- Side effects of medications.
- A sharp change in climatic conditions for life.
- Allergy in humans.
- Disturbance of the balance of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, excretory and cleansing systems.
- Slow metabolism (metabolism) due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, sleep and wakefulness.
Important!Even after a severe sunburn, the constant friction of synthetic clothing materials, the wound can come out in the areas of the body where the skin bends. Even excessive consumption of poor quality food (with abundant chemicals, preservatives, synthetic foods), alcohol, drugs (toxic substances) or tobacco can affect the aggravation. All this was recorded by the method of exclusion - for example, when the patient was restricted from bad habits, his condition improved.

Psoriasis diagnosis - what is it?
If someone who asks about psoriasis, what it is and what kind of doctor they should consult, has discovered similar symptoms in themselves or in their loved ones or friends, they should first of all consult a dermatologist. After that, an examination will take place, in which many other highly qualified specialists may be involved:
- histologists - in this case, the study of blood cells;
- immunologists - identify the cause of the body's weakened resistance to viruses;
- endocrinologists - if there is a suspicion of disturbances in the hormonal level and the functioning of the endocrine system;
- infectious disease specialists - detecting the presence of infections or viruses in the human body;
- nutritionists who determine the proper nutrition of the patient and other professionals.
Diagnostics is carried out using the following mechanisms and techniques:
- External examination of the affected areas of the skin.
- A blood test shows whether the joints are affected by the disease.
- A biopsy reveals staging and control (diagnosing a specific type of disease).
The Internet alone does not help in determining the specific type of psoriasis. In addition, encyclopedic manuals are usually filled out by all Internet users who know the specifics of the disease, as well as lay people.
Note!Biopsy is one of the main diagnostic procedures, during which the affected piece of skin is taken for laboratory examination. Its results show the level of T-lymphocytosis, which cells are strong and which are weak.
Difficulties in the lives of patients with psoriasis
When the patient encounters psoriasis for the first time and does not know what kind of disease has occurred, he tends to experience the following conditions that accompany the course of dermatitis:
- depression;
- inferiority complexes;
- difficulties in the social sphere - people, out of ignorance, often believe that the disease is contagious and stop communicating with the sick person;
- cardiovascular disorders - sometimes heart attacks;
- pressure imbalance - high blood pressure;
- diabetes mellitus – type 2 is especially common;
- you must limit yourself in food and drink;
- you have to adapt to an active lifestyle, which is extremely difficult to do when your psychological mood is depressed;
- physical discomfort - difficulty wearing clothes, showering, bathing, moving arms, legs, sleeping, etc.
This also affects patients who have not encountered the disease for the first time, but are already mentally ready to face it and are working hard to reduce its intensity.
For information:remissions (stages of weakening of the disease) can last for several years only with a competent approach to therapy and the prescription of treatment courses, methods, methods.

Psoriasis treatment methods
If the doctors themselves do not fully understand the causes of the worsening of the disease and how it can be eliminated forever, this greatly affects the mood of the patient himself. But you just have to convince yourself that if the disease cannot be cured, you can improve your quality of life for several years. Therefore, psoriasis should only be cured with an integrated approach of all the practices, methods and methods available in nature. Even doctors do not disdain folk remedies, if only the patient discusses one or another method with the doctor in advance.
Traditional methods
As soon as they determine the type of skin inflammation - psoriasis is also dermatitis, what kind of disease it is, what type, doctors immediately start specific procedures, which are said to have a positive effect in the end.
Treatment begins with the following procedures:
- In order to avoid self-infection, we disinfect the affected areas.
- Mandatory relief of inflammatory processes with drugs.
- Plaques must be dissolved, for which special drugs are prescribed.
- The same applies to scales - so that they do not fall off painfully, they are softened with lotions, various emollient ointments, tinctures, and mixtures.
- They prescribe injections and pills - for example, an immunosuppressant, which restores the functioning of the immune system and improves the psychophysical state.
- Irradiation with ultraviolet rays is used, blood is purified by plasmapheresis and other methods.
- Sanatorium resort treatments with mud and salt water. For example, resorts in Israel on the Dead Sea. The method is not cheap, it takes 28 days, but it is 100% effective.
- Taking salt and herbal baths.
- Special diet, exercise.
In addition to the above methods, the valve of the small intestine, which is responsible for cleaning the system, is also operated on. Usually, after such operations, patients feel better for 5-6 years.
Important! The basic drug will always be an antimetabolite belonging to the group of structural analogues of folic acid, which is delivered into the body by intramuscular injection.
Traditional medicine for the treatment of psoriasis
The disease can also be treated with traditional methods, because some plants, seeds and fruits have their own medicinal properties. This is an inexpensive option for those who can't take advantage of resort trips. You can make spa baths for yourself at home, make various ointments using Kalanchoe, honey and other ingredients. Only the patient should always consult his doctor first. Here too, you have to follow a strict diet, sleep, work and physical activity.
Additional measures
Any treating physician always prohibits the patient from staying in the sun for more than 6 hours a day for 2 days. At the same time, the sun should not be at its zenith and not burn strongly, otherwise it can only cause burns and worsen the condition. In addition to sun exposure, psoriasis can also be temporarily cured by adopting a special diet. The most common system now is the Pegano diet. In addition, you need to remove all the usual whims, such as smoking, alcohol, a lot of sweets and other hobbies.
Further information:It is not recommended to go on a sudden diet. In addition, you should always remember your intestines, which should be helped by the presence of fiber and sunflower oils. That's why you can eat sunflower seeds and add various permitted high-fiber foods to your meals.
5 preventive measures for people prone to psoriasis
In order for a person not to have questions about psoriasis - what kind of disease it is and how to treat it, it is necessary to listen to several recommendations of experts on how to best protect yourself from such a disease. Consider this list of 5 basic recommendations, even if you are not prone to this type of disease:
- Protect yourself from various infections, dress warmly, don't catch a cold, develop the most positive attitude in life.
- Be active, maintain a normal diet, sleep and wakefulness.
- Give up any bad habits or hobbies like baking, sweets that contain a lot of sugar.
- Wear clothes made primarily of natural materials.
- All painkillers or other medicines should be taken in consultation with a doctor and should not be self-medicated.
For information:slow metabolism leads not only to psoriasis, but also to obesity, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, and other dysfunctions. Therefore, reducing carbohydrates on the menu, taking more walks in the fresh air and exercising will help everyone stay healthy!
There is still no complete cure for this disease, specialists are identifying the causes, as some cases of psoriasis are registered. The therapeutic procedures are very lengthy, long and difficult. The patient will need not only a change in lifestyle, but also self-monitoring, by keeping a diary in which he records all his conditions. Therefore, the delay in contacting the doctors only aggravates the situation. Patients should not torture themselves like this, be afraid to show themselves to doctors, it is better to find a solution to the problem immediately than to build it up like a snowball.